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HOUSING AFFORDABILITYRedevelopment of our downtown core is helping put New Rochelle on the map as a 21st century city, but we need to make sure that we equally invest in programs such as my First-Time Homebuyer Down Payment Assistance Program to ensure equitable and affordable access to housing for all.
TRANSPARENCYNew Rochelle is facing a historic renaissance. Development downtown is well underway, and we will soon see the beginning of other revitalization efforts in the Lincoln Corridor and along Echo Bay. While these projects are exciting and are poised to continue to increase the city’s financial stability, we must make sure that we create opportunities for two-way dialogue and communication with the city’s residents.
CLIMATE RESILIENCEWe must listen to the data and experts to ensure we build a more resilient New Rochelle. As a coastal city, we are already experiencing the effects of more frequent flooding and must act accordingly to ensure that our city can thrive for many generations to come.
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